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- April, 2020: You Can Build a Website for Your Clients!
- March, 2020: Meeting Canceled
- February, 2020: Don't do business without it
- January, 2020: R&D in Trustworthy Elections
- November, 2019: Getting the most from Process Explorer
- October, 2019: Browsers, Extensions, and Browser safety
- September, 2019: Cloud Business Office Suites compared
- August, 2019: File syncing and sharing
- July, 2019: The Good, the bad, and the disasters
- June, 2019: Essential Accounting you MUST do!
- May, 2019: Using Intel's Active Management Technology - Take control
- April, 2019: Tools to Help Automate Software Installation and Maintenance
- March, 2019: Big Uses for Small Form Factor Computers
- February, 2019: Stump the Geekfest
- January, 2019: Protecting your client's cloud hosted data
- November, 2018: Generating revenue by selling and recommending products
- October, 2018: Protecting Client Endpoints
- September, 2018: Local Websites In A Global Economy
- August, 2018: Choosing the right router for each client
- July, 2018: Scott Hanselman Presents: Windows 10 - Today and Tomorrow
- June, 2018: Remote access for Consultants and Clients
- May, 2018: New and improved features in Windows 10
- April, 2018: What is Intel doing and what are they planning?
- March, 2018: 3 Simple Strategies for Social Media Marketing to Your Ideal Clients
- February, 2018: Legal issues for IT consultants
- January, 2018: Apple and Windows: Working Together Part 2
- November, 2017: How to Protect Yourself & Your Clients From Me and My Targeted Marketing
- November, 2017: Apple and Windows: Working Together
- September, 2017: Ransomware and our Defensive Strategies
- August, 2017: Do you know about ...?
- July, 2017: Ins and outs of IPv6
- June, 2017: Building and managing large area wireless networks
- May, 2017: Audio and Video Conferencing
- April, 2017: Setting up the ideal desktop computer - Part 2
- March, 2017: Setting up the ideal desktop computer
- February, 2017: Intel in the Virtual space - and more
- January, 2017: Trends in the Cybersecurity
- December, 2016: Holiday, No meeting until January
- November, 2016: What every business owner should know about Google Services
- October, 2016: Secrets of Soft Selling
- September, 2016: Datto and other backup solutions
- August, 2016: Fraud in the Small Business Environment
- July, 2016: Advanced Network Troubleshooting
- June, 2016: Advanced Wireless Networking Technologies
- May, 2016: RemoteApp - App Delivery From the Cloud
- April, 2016: How you resolved a big technical challenge
- March, 2016: Network security and troubleshooting
- February, 2016: Google Work and Office 365 - when each is best
- January, 2016: Resources we use - Part 2
- December, 2015: No meeting - Holiday
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