February 22, 2005

Join Rick Leipzig for an update on the ever changing tax laws and retirement and investments opportunities. This will bean interactive session, so bring plenty of questions.

Key points:

  1. Retirement plan update.
  2. Depreciation rules.
  3. Deduction for cars
  4. Home office deductions.
  5. Deductions for Travel away from home.
  6. Health Savings Accounts.

Rick Leipzig was born and raised in Portland. He is a CPA with 27 years of experience working with smaller business in the Portland area and has been a sole proprietor for the last 14 years. He is experienced with the federal and Oregon taxation of: individuals, corporations, partnerships, trusts/estates as well as payroll tax reporting, retirement planning, City of Portland, Multnomah County and Tri-Met. Rick received designations as a Certified Specialist in Retirement Planning in1999 and Certified Financial Planner in 2001.

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