September 28, 2004

A panel will lead a general discussion of the tools we useeveryday and those we give our clients. The categories of discussionwill cover:

  • Billing Tools: Such as Timeslips and Quickbooks
  • Client tracking and followup: Such as Outlook and Time and Chaos
  • How do you get the information you need where you need it? We will examine how people get information from the web and other sources and have it at the client's site when they need it.
  • Hardware Related: Tools for Hardware testing and adjusting.
    • What to use to adjust monitor color so pictures print like what is seen on the screen
    • Diagnose hard problems inside and outside of Windows
    • Hard drive testing tools
    • Hard drive recovery tools
  • Crash Recovery: Recovering data, passwords, and fixing Windows.
  • Security Tools: Tools for encryption, File transfer, E-mail and browsing safer. - Also how to handle passwords and registration numbers.
  • Tools your clients need: What tools do you provide all or nearly all your clients?
  • Miscellaneous tools you use frequently: Getting system IP Addresses, editors, Screen Capture etc.
  • Recommended Newsletters: Information is power. What newsletters and websites do you find most useful?

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