A general discussion on hardware devices to help make your jobeasier and more fun. Hear from other consultants how they use thelatest devices in their work.
Topics to be covered include:
- Tablet PCs and Notebooks.
- How tablet PC s can be used by the consultant for everything from note taking to handing the customer a bill before you leave.
- Palm pilots and Pocket PCs.
- Using handhelds in our business.
- Note taking on a small screen.
- Internet connectivity. Checking on customers systems through the Internet.
- Bluetooth and the handheld.
- Cellular technology.
- Integrated handhelds.
- Internet connections through your phone.
- The use of pen drives.
- Utilities, backup.
- The uses of wireless Internet.
- Hardware for data recovery and backup.
- USB and firewire hard drive cases.
- Portable CD-RWs, DVD writers and other backup devices.
- Using technology to navigate to a new location.
- Mapping software
- Wireless Internet to check freeway conditions
- Recording devices for making voice notes.
- Stuff just for fun.